How to Take Care of Our Highlighted and Colour Treated Hair
Finally after 7 months, I got round to having my blonde highlights re-done. I needed a full head and it took my amazing hairdresser and friend, Christos Artemiou almost 6 hours to do them. I have a lot of hair so he needed at least 1.5 hours just to do my highlights. We then allowed the colour to develop naturally without heat which makes the development time longer but it is better and safer for my hair type. Of course we added Olaplex to aid the lightening process and protect my hair and again at the back wash as a hair treatment.
Despite all that development time, my hair feels strong and I am very happy with the colour. No matter what measures we take to protect the hair, bleach is bleach and colour is colour. So once we have spent all that time and effort to lighten or colour our hair, it is important that we look after our hair afterwards.
Immediate After Care for Highlights and Colour
Our two main goals after highlighting is:
- To protect the new hair colour
- To nourish the hair
Make sure that you do not wash you hair in the first 24 hours at least and I would even say wait 48 hours if you can. By waiting, we are allowing our hair colour to be fully absorbed into the hair. Being completely honest with you, I waited 1 week before washing my hair.

My Top 10 Tips to Caring for Colour Treated Hair
If we all follow my 10 top tips, we will all have the best hair colour and condition possible:
1 – Wash Hair Less Frequently
To prevent water from washing away our colour and to help retain the natural oils that we have in our hair which help condition our hair, shampoo just once or twice per week. If this is not possible then never more than every other day. This will help colour last longer and help maintain healthy hair.
2 – Turn Down the Water Temperature When Shampooing Coloured Hair
When shampooing hair, stick to lukewarm or cooler water temperatures. Super hot water strips the colour because it opens the surface of the hair strand, which causes the dye molecules to escape.

3 – Baby Trims
If highlighted hair is looking dry at the ends, a hair trim every 8-10 weeks work wonders to keep our style and colour fresh and the hair healthy.
4 – Use the Best Colour Safe Shampoo and Conditioner you can Afford
Everyone’s budget is different and individual. I can recommend products at different price points but this is a whole new article for another time. By using a good colour safe shampoo and conditioner, it will help our colour last longer and help maintain the health of our processed hair. Our colour treated hair has a different chemistry to it than virgin hair so it needs targeted products to protect it in terms of hair health and to prevent premature colour fading.

5 – Use Deep Conditioning Products Whenever Possible
For extra shine and manageability, pamper hair once a week with a deep conditioning treatment. Apply the treatment to damp hair and comb it through from roots to tips. Pull your hair into a bun and pin it into place or wrap it up in a soft towel and leave the treatment in your hair for 30 minutes. When you rinse it out, hair will be softer and shinier.
6 – Maintain a Healthy Diet
What we eat has everything to do with the health of our hair and how it looks. We need nutrients from a healthy diet for energy that fuels hair growth and strength. Foods that include iron rich protein feed our scalp and hair by building strong keratin, the protein that strengthens hair, improves texture and stimulates growth. Consume lean meat, fish, low-fat cheeses, egg whites, spinach and soy to keep our colour treated hair looking its best. Between meals if hungry, snack on fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains. They all help!
7 – Supplements Help
Vitamins are another key to keeping colour treated hair healthy and shiny. Vitamin C keeps blood vessels in the scalp healthy by supporting hair follicles. Vitamin C also helps absorb iron. Biotin, an essential B vitamin, strengthens weak hair and improves its texture. Biotin can be taken as a supplement and I take it but it can also be found in salmon, carrots, egg yolks and sardines. Taking vitamin supplements can help keep hair and body, healthy and strong.
8 – Use Less Heat If Possible
Coloured hair is more susceptible to damage, try to avoid using hair dryers, curling irons or straightening irons as much as possible. Whenever possible, let hair dry naturally. When we are going to use heat, apply a heat protecting styling product and keep the hairdryer on a low heat setting. If possible, find a heat protecting spray with UV protection. This will give the hair extra protection and we need it with the Cyprus sun!

9 – Avoid Chlorine
Swimming pools contain chlorine and this can affect our hair in terms of colour and texture. I have seen ladies with green undertones to their hair because they did not protect their blonde highlights in the pool. Whenever I am going to go for a swim in the pool or in the sea, I protect my hair before I go. Apply a protective leave in conditioner or mask before hand to help prevent the chlorine or sea water from affecting the colour. Another option is to wear a swimming cap.
10 – Don’t Colour Hair or Over Process Too Often
Colouring frequently and using too many chemicals and too often causes damage. Try to keep it to once every five to six weeks.
If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below or send me a message.
Have a fabulous week!