I found out on my birthday (29th December 2017) that I am pregnant with my first child which made it an extra special 38th birthday, a gift from God you might say. I had heard many stories from family and friends of what pregnancy is like, some good and some not so good. The running theme from all, is that our life is about to change forever!
I am now 3.5 months along the way and I really do not feel or look pregnant. I do not have any morning sickness and I know how lucky I am to be able to say that. My only pregnancy signs so far are frequent trips to the bathroom, sore breasts and some tiredness. Now that I am 14 weeks, the only symptom that remains is the frequent bathroom breaks; my energy levels are returning and my emotions are better balanced.
Any changes to my routine?
I can not say that there have been many changes to my routine. I am working and now with my website, I am working more than before. I am a lot more careful with lifting and any physical work; I avoid anything heavy , no cleaning windows or anything extra strenuous. I am still going to the gym 4 to 5 times per week but I have made changes to my routine; no heavy lifting or heavy weights and nothing excessive in my workouts. I have been exercising since I was 4 years old so it is very important to my psychological well-being that I continue exercising, it is my re-set button on the day’s stresses and strains.
I have a trip to the gynecologist every 3 weeks for a check-up and scan to make sure that everything is progressing and the baby is well which was not in my routine previously. This appointment has become very important to me because I do not feel pregnant, it allows me to process that I am growing a small person inside of me and that she is doing well.
Three – Month Scan

One of the reasons that I did not mention earlier that I am pregnant is that my husband and I wanted to pass the 3 month mark and check that the baby is healthy. Being classed an an older mother (over the age of 35), it was important to us that we had all the available checks and scans done. We had our screening tests on Valentine’s Day. It was wonderful to have extra time with our baby and see the baby move but the purpose of the visit to the Fetal Diagnostic Centre is to make sure that the baby is developing properly and that there are no problems. Several measurements were taken to check that the baby is growing well.
Being an older mother, the risk of chromosomal disorders like Down’s Syndrome is much higher. If you are over 35 like me then the chance of having a child with Down’s is 1-300, my tests came back 1-217. We decided to have the ‘Veracity’ Non Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPD) which is an accurate, safe and relatively fast detection test. It was a simple blood test to test the baby’s DNA. It is a very moving thought to know that within my blood, it is not only my DNA but my baby’s DNA too and now we have the technology to be able to seperate the two and analyse what is required.

It’s a Girl
My husband and I were very relieved to find out on Friday (23rd Feb) that our baby is healthy and that we are having a little girl. We are so looking forward to meeting her when the time is right.
I will be sharing my journey with you through my website and all the wonderful experiences and products I try along with way.
Our due date is around the 24th-27th August 2018.
If you have any specific pregnancy related questions, please send me a message.
Have a fabulous week!